Download Facebook Source - Facebook Template - Facebook Clone

01. Upload all files from "UPLOAD" directlory to your server 02. CHMOD all files, folders and subfolders in /applications/conte... thumbnail 1 summary

01. Upload all files from "UPLOAD" directlory to your server
02. CHMOD all files, folders and subfolders in /applications/content/ to 777
03. CHMOD all files, folders and subfolders in /application/language/ to 777
04. Create a MySQL database
05. Edit "/application/config/database.php" to match your MySQL database host, user, password, dbname
06. Edit the line $config['base_url'] in "/application/config/config.php" to match your site url
06. Import facebook.sql into your database.
07. Edit the line "RewriteBase /" in ".htaccess"
Leave alone if you installed facebook into your server root or change to "RewriteBase /yoursubdir/" if installed in a subdirectory
08. You're done.
09. Go to and login with username "admin" and password "admin"

P.s. If you can't save the config settings set permissions to all the files in "/applications/configs/" to 644 or 777
Demo : 

Download : 

Facebook Template for Social Engine 
You can make your own Facebook with a Social Engine Script and this template!


* PSD files for logos and some images.
* Include original font that facebook uses
* Compatible with all plugins!
* Tested in ie6, ie7, chrome, safari and firefox!
* New mods added like on facebook!
* Home tabs with ajax same like on facebook!
* Index page with a signup form same like on facebook!


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